TypeHeavy duty steel skid mounted
Engines (total 3) 2XDetroit diesel 8v92TA turbo charged engine 422HP@1950 RPM rated for triplex pumps and 1X Detroit diesel 471 engine 155HP@2100 RPM rated for c-pumps and hydraulic power.
Max. RPM 2100 RPM for all engines.
Transmission 2X Allison HT 750 DRD mechanically controlled transmission
StarterAir starting for triplex engines/electric start for auxiliary engine.
Triplex pumps 2XGenuine HT400 4” and 4.5” plunger sizes
Discharge high pressure 1502 with P.R.V for each pump
Max. Working Pressure Up to 13KPSI for the 4” and up to 9KPSI for the 4.5”
Max. Flow Rate Up to 8BPM for the 4” and up to 10BPM for the 4.5”
Displacement tank triple displacement tank (10bbl x 3) with agitators, also with a densometer for one tank.
Air Compressor 3X12 SCFM double piston compressor.
Suction Manifold 4'' size with butterfly valves and caps.
Suction End Connection 4" Hammer union connection.
C-pumps twin c-pumps for triplex boost and mixing controlled manually by engaging level.
Emergency kill engines air intake shutdown gate (push switch)
ShutdownOver speed, over temperature, overpressure, and emergency shutdowns.
DAQ system complete logging for pressure, rate, total, density and operational alarms
Control System 1 x ss. Control console contains all gauges and meters.
Over Pressure Shut Down electronic and mechanical over pressure shut down circuits forcing the engine to idle and transmission to neutral (first come first serve).